Choose the answerwhich correctly completes the sentence. I wrote to my

A) didnt answer
B) not answered
C) hasnt answered
D) has answered Choose Ltvfc asNSwec Nhvch. correctly completes the sentence. Ever since Maurice arrived, he ... quietly in the corner. Something must be wrong. A) had been sitting B) will have sat C) has been sitting D) sat 51. (v8-121-23) Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. These flowers are dying. You ... them for ages. A) didnt water B) arent watering C) dont water D) havent watered 52. (v8-123-20) Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. Mark ... his car. It isnt blocking the way now. Lets start off. A) is moving B) has moved C) moved D) had moved 53. (v8-123-21) Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. We ... three major snowstorms so far this winter. I wonder how many more we will have. A) had B) are having C) have had D) have 54. (v8-126-8) Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. In the fitness club Christopher... his hand, but its OK now. A) hurt B) is hurting C) has hurt D) had hurt 55. (v9-126-1) Choose the right answer. I dont think Frank has ... been to a live concert. Why dont we take him to one for his birthday? A) ever B) never C)yet D) still 56. (v12z-101-25) Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. There is nothing I like better than a good book, but I... much reading for pleasure lately. Most of the reading I do is related to my work. A) am not doing B) didnt do C) havent done D) wasnt doing 57. (v12z-104-23) Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. Jane is very active. She ... dozens of jobs in her life. A) is having B) has had C) has D) was having 58. (v12z-106-24) Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. The sun is shining and the fog ... A) had gone B) goes C) go D) has gone 59. (v12z-115-4) Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. Ever since the big super markets opened in town, there ... a single baker in the village. A) wasnt B) hasnt been C) werent D) isnt 60. (v12z-126-20) Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. Im pleased to say that our University team ... well all this season. A) have played B) were playing C) to play D) had played 61. (v12z-128-22) Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. John ... hard for the last three days. A) worked B) was working C) has been working D) is working 62. (v12c-103-26) Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. I havent been out much lately, because I ... for my exams. A) is studying B) had studied C) study D) have been studying 63. (v12c-113-5) Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. Hes very good player. He ... consistently well recently. A) was playing B) has been playing C) is playing D) had played 64. (v12c-127-21) Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. - Have you heard about Jack? -Yes. He ... to senior manager. A) was promoting B) has been promoted C) was being promoted D) had been promoted 65. (v12c-154-10) Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. We are sorry to inform you that our firm .... We apologize for any inconvenience. A) closes B) had closed C) has been closed D) will close 66. (v13-122-10) Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. He tried to phone his friend four days ago with no success. Since then he ... him five times. A) phone B) has phoned C) is phoning D) phoned 67. (v13-125-18) Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. Although I have lived here for 2 months, I ... my neighbors. A) do not see B) saw C) did not see D) havent seen 68. (v13-127-10) Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. First libraries began to appear regularly in the 1800s. Since then their contents ... greatly through the years. A) is changing B) has changed C) have changed D) change 69. (v13-128-9) Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. Most of the forest... cut down and the trees remaining are now under threat. A) had been B) were C) have been D) has been 70. (v13-133-13) Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. We wonder how many more snowstorms we will have this winter. We ... four snowstorms so far. A) have had B) are having C) had D) have 71. (v13-143-9) Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. The yard is covered with snow. It... all night. A) has been snowing B) has snowed C) snowed D) was snowing 72. (v14-108-17) We ... the experiment three times now with different results each time. A) have been doing B) have done C) did D) are doing 73. (v14-115-1) Choose the correct answer. Conservationists claim that American farmers ... the environment by excessive use of artificial fertilizers and chemicals to kill weeds and pests. A) have been damaged B) had damaged C) were damaged D) have damaged 74. (v15-109-14) Choose the correct answer. How often ... in love in your life? A) were you being B) are you C) were you D) have you been 75. (v15-113-15) Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. He didnt recognize many people at his old school reunion because everyone ... a lot in twenty years. A) had changed B) was changing C) has changed D) was changed 76. (v15-114-20) Choose the correct answer. Three years ago I got my law degree, and since then I ... in a small law firm where I am very happy. A) worked B) have been working C) was working D) am working 77. (v15-118-11) Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. My sister is still in the kitchen. She ... all morning. A) cooked B) had cooked C) has been cooking D) is cooking 78. (v15-126-18) Choose the correct answer. I want to break the news. Mary ... a baby! A) has had B) had C) had had D) will have had 79. (v16-108-4) Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence He ... doing this scientific research since he ... twenty. A) was / was B) had been / was C) was / had been D) has been / was 80. (v16-108-14) Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence - Have you found the software you needed yet? - Yes. I ... it. A) was just installing B) have just installed C) just have installed D) have just been installed 81. (v16-112-5) Choose the best answer. Do not touch anything on the table until guests .... A) had come B) have come C) came D) will come 82. (v16-117-9) Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. Dont touch the door, it... just.... A) is painted B) will be painted C) is being painted D) has been painted 83. (v16-118-4) Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. John is happy today. He ... the whole concert of his favorite group and is enjoying listening to it. A) had recorded B) record C) has recorded D) recorded 84. (v16-127-3) Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. How many flats ... at so far? A) have you been looking B) have you looked C) do you look D) are you looking 85. (v16-128-7) She ... the alphabet before now and now she can read fast. A) learnt B) has been learning C) had learnt D) has learnt 86. (v17-106-23) Choose the best answer. It is nice to see you again. What... since we last met? A) have you done B) was you doing C) have you been doing D) did you do 87. (v17-106-24) Choose the correct answer. For three generations, her family members ... doctors. A) are B) been C) have been D) is 88. (v17-109-19) Choose the right answer. I ... checked 30 accounts so far this morning. A) had B) have got C) have done D) have 89. (v17-110-8) Choose the correct answer. I ...the walls, but I still havent finished. A) have painted B) have been painting C) painted D) were painting 90. (v17-111-1) Choose the right answer. Polly ... to buy food. A) probably has forgotten B) has probably forgotten C) has forgotten probably D) forgotten has probably 91. (v17-112-10) Complete the dialogue. - Havent they? A) The Smiths have already arrived. B) Car drivers have to test the brakes regularly. C) They have invited a famous lecturer for this seminar. D) They havent got any money on them. 92. (v17-113-22) Choose the correct answer. She is very tired and her eyes are red. ... on the computer? A) She has been working B) Does she work C) Has she worked D) Has she been working 93. (v17-123-21) Choose the correct answer. Over the last 15 years, there ... a 50% increase in the traffic on our roads. A) have been B) was C) has been D) were 94. (v17-127-1) Kate has been working at college ... A) for 4 years B) since 4 years C) 4 years D) 4 years ago 95. (v17-128-9) Choose the correct answer. - ... your washing-up yet? - Not yet. A) Did you finish B) Have you finished C) Are you finishing D) Wont you finish 96. (v17-128-14) Choose the correct answer. I ... for my math exam since morning. A) prepared B) was prepared C) have been preparing D) has been preparing 97. (v17-129-6) Choose the right answer. We ... to become vegetarians several times. A) have tried B) tried C) are trying D) will try 98. (v17-129-19) Choose the right answer. Somebody... my cake! A) ate B) has eaten C) have eaten D) is eaten 99. (v18-1-100) Choose the correct answer. Have Tim and Jane bought the new house ...? A) just B)ever C) never D) yet 100. (v18-1-268) My granny ... in this town for many years. A) has lived B) lived C) has been living D) live 101. (v18-1-269) He ... quite different since he ... married. A) is / has got B) has been / has got C) is / got D) has been / got 102. (v18-1-270) This is the first time I ... a sports car. A) ve driven B) m driving C) have driving D) drive 103. (v19/20-108-5) Choose the correct answer. Jim said he had been living in a caravan for six months. «I ... in a caravan for six months,» said Jim. A) have lived B) have been living C) was living D) has been living 104. (v19/20-110-14) Choose the correct answer. She has been watching TV ... . A) every day B) two days ago C) since morning D) right now 105. (v19/20-115-5) Choose the correct answer. The workers ... repairing this house. Has anybody moved into it yet? A) will hnish B) have already finished C) hnished D) had already hnished 106. (v19/20-120-7) Choose the correct answer. Jim hasnt left the office .... A) also B)too C)just D) yet 107. (v19/20-128-9) Choose the correct answer. Where have you been? I have been waiting for you ... two hours ... 12 oclock! A) during / while B) at / for C) for / since D) for / in 108. (v20/21 -103-7) Choose the correct answer. It... for three hours. A) was snowing B) is snowing C) snowed D) has been snowing 109. (v20/21-103-16) Choose the correct answer. I ... him since 1990. A) didnt see B) dont see C) am not seeing D) havent seen 110. (v20/21-103-18) Choose the correct answer. I have known her... I was a child. A) for B) since C) already D) ago 111. (v20/21 -104-7) Choose the correct answer. I wonder why John ... a job yet. A) finds B) didnt find C) hasnt found D) found 112. (V20/21 -105-7) Choose the correct answer. You ... these computer games since seven oclock. A) are playing B) played C) have been playing D) play 113. (v20/21-105-9) Choose the correct answer. I ... these sentences for one hour. A) am writing B) has written C) have been writing D) was writing 114. (v20/21-105-28) Choose the correct answer. We ... any fish lately. A) havent eaten B) dont eaten * C) didnt eat D) havent eat 115. (v20/21-106-6) Choose the correct answer. We have never... to Spain. A) been B) be C) is D) are 116. (v20/21-106-22) Choose the correct answer. Bobur has just... a plate. A) break B) broke C) broken D) breaks 117. (v20/21-107-28) Choose the correct answer. - How long ... you ...? - Since I was 17. A) have / been driving B) did / drive C) has / driven D) do / drive 118. (v20/21-107-29) Choose the correct answer. ... you ever been to Canada? A) Have B) Did C) Has D) Do 119. (v20/21-108-20) Choose the correct answer. She ... piano lessons since last June. A) is taking B) takes C) has been taking D) took 120. (v20/21-110-28) Choose the correct answer. They ... for six months. A) didnt meet B) havent meet C) dont meet D) havent met 121. (V20/21-111-22) Choose the correct answer. I havent been to Moscow .... A) yet B) never C) just D) ago 122. (v20/21-113-18) Choose the correct answer. What... doing lately? A) have you been B) you have been C) are you D) you are 123. (v20/21-113-21) Choose the correct answer. They ... us several telegrams lately. A)send B)sent C) have sent D) are sending 124. (v20/21 -114-4) Choose the correct answer. ... you .... to him yet? A) Have / spoken B) Have / speak C) Did / speak D) Do / speak 125. (v20/21-116-14) Choose the correct answer. We ... him for three months. A) havent see B) havent seen C) didnt see D) dont see 126. (v20/21-118-28) Choose the correct answer. This is the first time I ... bread with honey. A) ate B) am eating C) eat D) have eaten 127. (v20/21 -120-24) Choose the correct answer. I ... to the gym for two months. A) havent be B) havent been C) didnt be D) dont be 128. (v20/21-120-26) Choose the correct answer. I ... for you for two hours. A) has waited B) was waiting C) have been waiting D) was waited 129. (v20/21-121-14) Choose the correct answer. - Has she done the exercises? - No, she ... them yet. A) havent done B) hasnt done C) didnt do D) doesnt do 130. (v20/21-122-11) Choose the correct answer. Jack wants a new job. He ... in the same job for three years. A) has been B) is C) was D) is being 131. (V20/21-122-27) Choose the correct answer. t I have lived in Canada ... ten years. A) since B) ever C) for D) ago 132. (v20/21-123-15) Choose the correct answer. Ive known her... we were six years old. A) for B) since C) ago D) on 133. (v20/21-123-25) Choose the correct answer. Kate has been working here .... A) since two years B) for two years C) two years ago D) two years 134. (v20/21-124-10) Choose the correct answer. - Is your sister going for a walk? -Shesalready.... A) going B) gone C) went D) go 135. (v20/21-124-15) Choose the correct answer. I... about him for six months. A) havent heard B) didnt hear C) heard not D) dont hear 136. (V20/21-125-1) Choose the correct answer. We ... meat for ages. A) dont eat B) havent eaten C) didnt eat D) didnt ate 137. (v20/21-125-10) Choose the correct answer. We have lived*in this house ... five years. A) for B) since C) ago D) on 138. (v20/21-126-21) Choose the correct answer. - Have you ever driven a car? - No, Ive never... one. A) drive B) driven C) drove D) driving 139. (v20/21-127-14) Choose the correct answer. - Where is your brother? - He has ... to the cinema. A) gone B) going C) go D) went 140. (v20/21-127-16) Choose the correct answer. Have you ... your dinner yet? A)have B)had C) having D) has 141. (v20/21 -129-12) Choose the correct answer. I ... here all my life. A) have lived B) am living C) have living D) live 142. (v20/21 -130-10) Choose the correct answer. - Have you ever eaten Chinese food? - No, Ive never... any. A) eating B) eat C) ate D) eaten 143. (v20/21-133-15) Sorry about the mess. We ... the attic for 3 hours. A) cleaned B) have cleaned C) have been cleaning D) had cleaned 144. (V20/21-139-10) It seems that somebody ... the house. A) cleaned B) has cleaned C) was cleaning D) was cleaned 145. (v20/21-140-3) I ... already ... the parcel. A) - / received B) have / received C) have been / receiving D) had / received 146. (V20/21-141-4) Jane ... as a consultant in a shop during her holidays this summer A) works B) is working C) is being working D) has been working 147. (v20/21-142-7) I have ... sent an application, please see again. A) already B) still C) yet D) almost 148. (v20/21 -143-8) I... soup and spaghetti since morning. A) cooked B) have cooked C) had cooked D) used to cook 149. (v20/21-143-12) They havent heard about Michaels visit.... A) yet B) still C) never D) usually 1


Сборник: Английский язык
Параграф: The Present Perfect Tense. The Present Perfect Continuous Tense

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