A) a health problem which results in the memory loss
B) why we forget some of the short memory information
C) processing and storing of the information in the human brain
D) ways to improve the memory
845. (v20/21-136-20) According to the text, scientists ....
A) still argue whether the hippocampus is important for memory or useless
B) do not possess exact knowledge on how the information is transferred from one area to another in a human brain
C) are aware of the fact that information is sent from the long term memory to the hippocampus
D) share the same opinion on how the brain works
846. (v20/21-136-21) It is noticed in the passage that....
A) If information is stored in the short term memory it will inevitably be sent to the longterm memory
B) damage to hippocampus will not cause any loss of memory
C) Hippocampus is important for the processing of the received information due to the scientists opinion
D) hippocampus is located in the frontal lobe of the brain
847. (v20/21-136-22) Read the text (22-24). Is Tea Beneficial
Tea had a reputation for being both safe and almost always beneficial. However, scientists are now suggesting that tea may not be as safe as we had previously believed. Tea contains caffeine, and caffeine has been linked to sleeplessness and to the unpleasant jumpy feeling some people get when stressed. More seriously, there is a link between miscarriages, and pregnant women are advised to reduce their intake of tea until after their baby is born. Due to its critical side-effects, some people who like tea choose to be safer and drink a beverage from which the caffeine has been removed, decaffeinated tea, but 1 many claim that it simply doesnt taste right. The reasonable thing to do is probably moderation; continue to enjoy a cup of tea, but dont have too many!
As it is noticed in the passage, tea used to be believed to be ... .
A) beneficial in small amount
B) having no any negative effect on health
C) more harmful for the health than alcohol
D) causing jumpy feeling if a person had too much
848. (v20/21-136-23) According to the passage, tea can be dangerous because it....
A) reduces risks of miscarriages if pregnant women drink much tea daily
B) may contribute to a loss of a baby in the mothers womb
C) increases the effect of stress on peoples health
D) can cause serious problems with the health, which will require long treatment
849. (v20/21-136-24) The writer specifies that the best way is to drink ....
A) tea in moderate amount
B) instant coffee
C) tea without caffeine
D) other beverages like cacao
850. (v20/21 -136-25) Read the text (25-27). Human Developing
When early humans hunted and gathered food, they were not in control of their environment. They could only interact with their surroundings as lower organisms did. When humans learned to make fire, however, they became capable of altering their environment. To provide themselves with fuel they stripped bark from trees, causing the trees to die. Clearings were burned in forests to increase the growth of grass and to provide a greater grazing area for the wild animals that humans fed upon. This development led to farming and the domestication of animals. Fire also provided the means for cooking plants which had previously been inedible. Only when the process of meeting the basic need for food reached a certain level of sophistication was it possible for humans to follow other pursuits such as the founding of cities.
This passage is mainly concerned with ....
A) effect of the fire discovery on the life of humans
B) the history of farming techniques development
C) importance of hunting as a food source
D) how early humans practised foodgathering skills
851. (v20/21 -136-26) It can be assumed from the text that the discovery of how to make fire ....
A) assisted to discover new places for foodgathering
B) increased the number of nutritive options for early humans
C) helped early humans to understand how live like lower organisms
D) helped early humans to hunt better
852. (v20/21-136-27) As it can be
comprehended from the passage, early humans ....
A) used fire to change their surroundings
B) used to eat only meat before they found out how to deal with fire
C) got more control over the environment when they found out how to live with lower organisms
D) learnt how to cook with fire and then started hunting and food-gathering853. (v20/21 -136-28) Read the text (28-30). Poisonous Snakes
The most dangerous animals on the North American continent, by a margin of 1000 to one, are not bears, mountain lions or wolves but poisonous snakes. Attacks occur far more frequently than most people suspect; 6500 to 7000 humans are bitten by venomous snakes in the United States each year. Fortunately, the death rate from snakebite is low, largely because of widespread knowledge about snakes and the fact that in most cases treatment is prompt. Yet for the victims, even though they survive, the ordeal is a dreadful experience sometimes resulting weeks or months of illness, permanent crippling, the loss of a hand or foot, or other lasting handicaps.
The North American continent....
A) cannot be a home for mountain lions and wolves
B) suffers more from wolves rather than from bears attacks
C) is usually famous for poisonous snakes and their attacks
D) is the homeland for the most dangerous animal
854. (v20/21-136-29) The death rate from snakebite ....
A) is still high even though people are well informed
B) is considered to be small regarding the number of bites
C) caused much more problems because of
the shortage of knowledge .
D) deterred people not to go out during the daytime
855. (v20/21 -136-30) According to the passage, snakebite ....
A) doesnt need immediate treatment
B) usually causes death
C) is a sort of danger for people
D) has only about 6500 victims
856. (v20/21-137-19) Read the text (19-21). People With Extraordinary Abilities
Fictional stories about people who have extraordinary abilities have always attracted peoples attention. One of them is the story of Vera Petrova, who is able to perceive things with different parts of her skin, and through solid walls. One day she comes into his fathers office and puts her hands on the door of a locked safe. Suddenly she asks her father why he keeps so many old newspapers locked away there. Veras curious talent is brought to the notice of a scientific research institute and she is given a series of tests by a special commission. During these tests she manages to read a newspaper through an opaque screen and then she describes the figures and colors of a picture hidden under a carpet. During all these tests Vera is blindfolded; and, indeed, except when blindfolded she lacks the ability to perceive things with her skin. It was also found that although she could perceive things with her fingers, this ability ceased the moment her hands were wet.
It can be comprehended from the text that Vera Petrova ....
A) can perceive objects only with her fingers
B) had mostly failures while passing the tests made by a special commission
C) was able to perceive objects when her fingers got wet
D) is not the only fictional character who possessed extraordinary abilities